Saturday, January 18, 2014

ScUBa RaNGeRs iN PeNaNg

“As a Scuba Ranger and member of the diving community, I pledge to have fun, continue my diving education, protect the aquatic environment, dive responsibly , and participate in my community, my family and my future in
a positive way.”

What’s cool about SCUBA RANGERS?
·         You’re part of a special, elite group: scuba divers.
·         You accomplish things that will amaze your parents and you.
·         You develop good sense around the water, and increased awareness of water safety.
·         You build confidence, self-esteem, goal setting skills and pride.
·         Unlike many other sports, scuba can be enjoyed for a lifetime.

What is Scuba Rangers Club?
Scuba Rangers is a scuba club designed for kids just like you! You get to do all of the cool things that 
adults do in a pool with scuba and more.

Demo Ranger
After DEMO RANGER, you join our SCUBA RANGERS CLUB and the fun really begins.
you attend Club Event, scuba dive in the pool and ranger may elect the Scuba Rangers Specialties.

There’s lots of awesome Scuba Rangers Specialties, such as Night Ranger, Computer Ranger
and Navigation Ranger. These involve learning new scuba skills like cameras, underwater lights 
and compasses.Some Scuba Ranger Specialties do not involve diving. With Civic Ranger, 
for instance, you get rewards for community involvement and doing nice things for others.
The ultimate honor is Master Ranger, which is Specialties, plus participation
 in five Scuba Rangers Club Events.

For more info kindly surf through

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