Saturday, January 16, 2016

My Fin My Life Campaign 2016

 WWF-Malaysia and partners is launching the My Fin My Life Campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness on the importance of sharks in maintaining a balance in our marine ecosystem and sustaining a healthy ocean and seafood. We are pleased to announce that SSI will be one of the partners for this campaign. The demand for shark fins is threatening not only sharks but human survival.Being part of the dive community, we have an implicit obligation to protect our seas and which why we are taking part in this campaign.


Shark fins are tasteless and it is used in shark fin soup only its texture.


Together, let's save the sharks!!!


Zou Divers is proud and thank you very much to WWF-Malaysia and our partners SSI. 
Also Thank you very much to all Zou Divers member, divers and student divers for your supporting.

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