Sunday, January 26, 2014

ECO-HeART 2014... Conservations programme 2014

 Hi all..
Praise to the AlMighty Allah...  once again this newly established center... now are venturing into new perspectives of business.. its not about training then having fun scuba diving anymore... its about how well do we care enough for the marine conversations....
 ZouDivers through their strategic partnership and collaborations with sahabat Divers Clubs Seberang Perai Polytechnic Penang , Kedah marine Park department and ORCA - UITM ( marine technology research team) now put a focus on the awareness of marine conversations...  nowadays.. there's hundreds even thousands of issues surrounding the coral reef  issues... apart from the uncontrollable elements ... we as human also need to something in conserving the  vulnerable species....  by Almighty Allah blessing.. we will venture and join organize in  the event of Marine Education and Conservation Camp on February together with volunteers from Students Representative Council Polytechnic Seberang Perai Penang, UITM - ORCA Research team, Kedah Marine Department and others...

Some of the activities are  marine awareness campaign, conversations techniques, coral planting, constructions of artificial reef an many more......

For us its not just about having fun dive anymore... it totally about how fun when we dive and together we conserve this vulnerable and fragile environment

For those who are willing to share and contribute fund  to this conversations project... you may also contact or

best regards...... zoudivers..

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